Thursday, April 5, 2012

How do you step from the top of a 100 foot pole?

Sissy Boy & The Poles

Stepping from the top of a 100-foot pole means taking a risk; it is finding the courage to do something extraordinary or taking a decision to finally go after your utmost desire. This could be starting your own business, a career change or, in my case, wearing high waist Sissy Boy pants (that are actually meant for girls)…

Stepping from the top of a 100-foot pole does not always guarantee a safe landing. Some people do not succeed in their attempts to start new ventures. However, with proper planning and the right tools, one can achieve their goals smoothly. By “right tool” I’m referring to confidence, education or, in my case, a rebellious urge to oppose the typical…

Stepping from the top of a 100-foot pole can be a very hard decision as it comes with many sacrifices. Often, people are discouraged from doing what they truly want to do by the fear of failure, societal norms, or, in my case, astonished stares and giggles from people…

Stepping from the top of a 100-foot pole requires uninterrupted focus, passion or, in my case, a sometimes ridiculously carefree attitude…

Stepping from the top of a 100-foot pole can lead to success; if done properly and cautiously it can result to a very happy ending. This can be a booming new business, a rewarding new job, or, in my case, applause from my equally crazy friends and flattering attention from strangers!


  1. Bravo indeed. You gave e somethig to think about. Thank you. Going after what you want is always daunting and there are no guarentees, ever. Well done. I am a huge fan of this blog!
